IP transmission

Ip Transmission

Migration to IP will be quick, easy and cost-effective with the CHARIoT series of industry leading long reach PoE switches.


  • Fast ROI by reducing infrastructure costs
  • Planning and deployment is not time consuming
  • No infrastructure barriers
  • A robust platform that is easy to configure, deploy and manage

Managed series

The CHARIoT series extends beyond standard PoE switches. It simplifies the migration to IP by extending your LAN, creating IP connections with power.

Unmanaged series

The CHARIoT Unmanaged switches provide plug and play Coax, 1 pair, 2 and 4 pair UTP options while creating IP connections with power.

Extender series

The CHARIoT Extender series includes energy efficient media converters to support the IP end points leveraging the CLEER, EC10 and FLEX switches.

See also

Analog transmission