![iQsim logo iQsim logo](/system/images/W1siZiIsIjIwMTUvMTEvMjcvMTNfMDBfMTBfMjVfaVFzaW1fbG9nb18yNTB4MTI5LnBuZyJdXQ/iQsim-logo_250x129.png)
Our product portfolio is constantly expanding. We are very excited to inform you of the latest addition that consists of iQsim award winning products: voice and SMS gateways, SIM servers and services based on the Virtual SIM technology. First...
![First Telecom Telco/Carriers/xSPs Solutions First Telecom Telco/Carriers/xSPs Solutions](/system/images/W1siZiIsIjIwMTUvMTEvMjUvMTZfNThfNTFfNzMzX0ZpcnN0X1RlbGVjb21fVGVsY29fQ2FycmllcnNfeFNQc19zb2x1dGlvbnMucG5nIl1d/First-Telecom-Telco-Carriers-xSPs-solutions.png)
In order to successfully function, each company in Telco world needs an appropriate or, shall we say, best infrastructure, for own or its customers’ needs. And when it’s affordable, offering the highest value for money, then you know that you on...
The first training within the FreePBX Academy, held in Belgrade, Nov 16-18, is now completed. Among the attendees were system / network / VoIP engineers and administrators and CTOs from companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia....
![Free Pbx Academy Boot Camp 2015 Free Pbx Academy Boot Camp 2015](/system/images/W1siZiIsIjIwMTUvMTEvMDIvMTJfMjVfMzZfNDA2X0ZyZWVQQlhfQWNhZGVteV9ib290X2NhbXBfMjAxNS5wbmciXV0/FreePBX-Academy-boot-camp-2015.png)
First Telecom is organizing 3-day FreePBX Academy - Open Telephony boot camp in Belgrade, November 16-18, 2015.
This course is an ideal opportunity for IT and Telephony professionals, carriers and vendors who already have some experience with...