Dissertations for the real world

Published October 12, 2015 08:57

October 15, 2015 is the day when First Telecom meets the students from the University of Peloponnese to give them insights into the dissertation topics that the market needs.

The student's struggle with choosing a topic for their dissertation is real and this event is the opportunity for them to see that there is nothing to worry about.

By attending this event the students will learn about following topics:
  • Advanced scraping/crawling around the Web
  • Portal concepts in the Python realm

We have a number of application concepts for dissertations and we invite the students to team up with us and to create real world applications while delivering their dissertations.

If you strive for applying scientific knowledge and pursuing a successful career, we'd love to see you on October 15.

First Telecom At University Of Peloponnese

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